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Providing 92 out of 102 vitamins and minerals

to support your body’s optimal health.


  • Provides 92 minerals and vitamins out of the 102 the body requires
  • boosts immune system
  • promotes heart health
  • cancer
  • breaks up and eradicates mucous
  • soothes digestive tract
  • POWERFUL anti-inflammatory
  • aids in proper thyroid function
  • provides natural energy
  • makes body resistant to viral, bacterial, and fungi infections
  • relieves asthma
  • lowers blood pressure
  • promotes beautiful skin (increases skin elasticity)
  • boosts testosterone
  • promotes weight loss (HELPS REGULATE APPETITE)
  • Promotes fertility (in conjunction with proper diet and self care)

Food grade and great FOR TOPICAL use!

Recommended oral instructions for gel: 1-2 tablespoons upon rising – blend in a smoothie, infuse in food dishes, or -delicious enough to eat gel by the spoonful.

for topical use: effective in eradicating psoriasis, eczema, AND DERMATITIS pain relief of arthritic conditions. makes a great mask; hydrates the skin and increases elasticity.

OTHER topical USES:  effective in eliminating psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis pain relief of arthritic conditions. makes a great mask; hydrates the skin and replaces oils.

Nutritional Information: carbohydrate, sugar fiber, magnesium, potassium, selenium, vitamin b2, vitamin b9, vitamin d, vitamin e, vitamin k.

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